Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Camp Family

Here we are all decked out in our camp gear. Nathan and I are
sporting Yosemite Sierra Gear and Jason has Emerald Cove Day Camp attire.
We are getting excited for the summer fun ahead!!

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Easy Rider- Dream Come True

When Dan and I got married he reluctantly sold his old motorcycle. We didn't have room for it and it needed some work on it that we couldn't afford at the time- so we donated it! He has always yearned for another one. We even talked about when we were old that we would tour on our motorcycles.

With the move to San Clemente, Dan is going to have to commute to his job in Irvine.  I need the car with the boys, but he couldn't ride his bicycle. We toyed with getting an electric car so he could ride in the carpool lane, but found them to be too expensive. A motorcycle would be fuel efficient, able to ride in the carpool lane, affordable and a dream come true. How can you go wrong with that?

Dan got his motorcycle license, took a safety course on ridding and was good to go. He is now the proud owner of a 2014 Honda CXT 700. It gets great gas mileage and puts a smile on his face. He has done some alterations on it, but I don't have a picture of that yet- so here is the base version!
 Dan and his bike

 Boys are loving it too

 He got me a helmet, jacket and boots to ride along!
Off to ride!

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Catch Up!

My apologies for not keeping up with our blog. I have been busy working and keeping everything going at home that I haven't found time to write. Also, the pictures I have wanted to use haven't been accessible on the computer- I think we are good now! On that note, let's catch up a bit on what's been going on around this place (more detailed posts to follow).

 The view from my office in San Clemente- not too bad! 
I am working around 30 hours a week and love being back at YSSC!
 Because of the new job, we are planning a move down to San Clemente in early
summer. So we had a garage/moving sale and unloaded tons of stuff!
While we were prepping and having the sale, the boys went to winter camp
with the church group. They had a great time!

Saturday, February 1, 2014

This Mom is working!!

I apologize, to the few people who actually look at this blog, that there haven't been posts of late. Now that I am working 25-30 hours a week, I just don't have time to post pictures. Heck, I don't even take that many pictures any more. Some things have to suffer when you work and unfortunately this is one of them. I have to keep the family fed, house cleaned, clothes washed and the dog walked- who has time for much else? I will try to slip one in once a week!!