Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween 2010

This year the Crouts all dressed up for Halloween. Check out the pictures below and try not to laugh too hard- we had fun and that is all that mattered!

Melissa & Dan as Groovy Hippies
Jason was a super hero spy and
Nathan was Harry Potter
We are just a bunch of posers!
After trick or treating with friends, the boys came back and handed out their extra candy to people passing our front door. They were literally flagging down people to come and get the candy. "We are open for business," they shouted. I loved hearing and seeing their generous spirit and now we have less candy to consume or throw out!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Pumpkin Carving Fun

Today the boys carved their first pumpkins. Although it was a lot messier then I remember as a kid, they had a great time.
We tried to keep the mess down- putting this table cloth down seemed to help~
I think Nathan could have done without the slime and goo of the insides, but he really enjoyed cutting the pumpkin himself.
Jason was scaring me as he was cutting, but all and all he did well.
4 Heads are better than two, right?

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Hair Growth

When you see yourself day to day, you don't often notice changes. I have pictures around the house of myself from a year ago and it blows me away how long my hair has grown. It feels like it has taken forever to get this far, but looking back I can see a huge growth.
Fall 2008
Fall 2009
Fall 2010

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Nathan:: Boy Inventor

Nathan got this cool book a few weeks back and has been intrigued by all the things he can do with battery power. This invention isn't pretty, but the results are cool- it is a generator!! Thankfully we were able to find all the things we needed to make it. I hate when you want to make something, but then you don't have the pieces to make it happen. This is especially hard on kids who want to do things NOW and have a hard time waiting.
Outside of generator
Inside of generator

Nathan and his masterpiece- and yes, it really works!!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Jason:: Play-doh Time

Jason loves Play-doh-he always has. He spends hours doing it if he can. I have learned to make this an outdoors activity due to the mess it makes. When it was raining two weeks ago, we set up a work station in the house on the tile floor (a little square by the front door) where he could squish and create to his heart's content.
Normal play-doh guy
"funny" play-doh guy!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Melissa:: First Day of School

Well, today was my first day of school. I started working at Brywood Elementary School as an Instructional Aid to the Kindergarten classes. This whole process has been amazing and God led. I feel very fortunate to have this job! It was pouring rain as we went to school, but I felt God all around me and it was a good way to start the day!

I didn't think I would start till Friday since my fingerprints had to be checked, but everything worked out much faster. I got a call yesterday that I was clear to start and I just needed to hand in my paperwork (lots of paperwork). I ran over there yesterday afternoon and then called the school to let them know I could start today. Good thing since the lady I am replacing (Mrs. S) needed to be in her new position today as well.

I have been shadowing Mrs. S for the last few days which has been really helpful. I have heard a lot of information and have absorbed as much as I could. I will never be her, but I am me and that will have to be enough- right? RIGHT!

The kids were really great with me. Most of them know me from being a volunteer in the class and I met lots of late birds today. I may even have most of their names memorized (thank you God). Since it was a rainy day, we were inside all day, but we survived!!

One day down, many to go!!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

A New Job

Yep, you read correctly. I got a new job (part time). Was I even looking for a job? NO! It fell into my lap and his been ushered along by prayer and God's will.

Let me explain- I have been volunteering in Jason's kinder class 1 to 2 mornings a week. Since there are so many kids, the teachers have been doing rotating centers with the kids. They travel around in a group from 5-8 and visit a teacher or parent. Here they are doing some kind of language arts or fine motor skills (or both)- cutting, working on letter formation, reading a book and talking about it, building stories, etc..

A few weeks back I was thinking that I wish I could do this full time- I like it and I feel like I am already here so much. I knew the current kinder aid was needed else where in the school and would be leaving a position open- I just never dreamed that I would be the person to fill her shoes.

It wasn't 2 days after I had these thoughts that I was approached by Jason's teacher to consider applying for the job. She and the other teacher had mentioned me to the principle as a possible candidate- I had their support and now all I had to do was apply for the job.

To apply for a job with schools I had to join EDjoin (an online site that lists job opportunities all over the country in education). As soon as the job posting was available, I submitted an online application (I had to really rack my brain for all my prior job positions, dates, etc).

One of the requirements for this type of position is that I have either taken the CBEST or IUSD's proficiency test. I had neither! I quickly made an appointment to take the test at the district office (Oct. 5). I was so nervous that I would not pass the math (not a strong suit of mine), but knew I just needed a 70% to pass. With lots of prayer I took the test and did just fine. I got a 98% on ability to assist and English/language an80% on math.

The next step was an interview. I was called last Thursday for an interview the following day (Friday, Oct. 8). This was all happening so fast and yet I knew they needed to get someone in play right away. I went for my interview that afternoon and met with the principle and the two kinder teachers- all women I like and admire. It was very professional and they asked me lots of questions (some were easier than others). I did my best and was honest with them. It was in God's hands!

My impression after the interview was that I hoped they wouldn't hire me if someone else was better suited for the position. I didn't want it just because they were familiar with me, but because I was their best choice.

I got a call yesterday afternoon from the principle's secretary offering me the job! I dropped to my knees and praised God for blessing me with this job- truly a gift from him. This isn't going to be easy for me. I have a lot to learn, but I am willing and able and know that God will see me through each day.

I will be working 15 hours a week- 4 days a week. I still have to be processed so I will start in a week or so. I can't wait!!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

The World of Skype

Okay, I know this technology has been around for awhile, but we are new to it in the Crout House. We always saw it as something teens did or you did with people overseas, but with Ryan away at school- we have discovered what a treasure it is.

Dan got the camera when Ryan and his parents were going to video conference every week- to see how school is going. His mom didn't end up doing it, but Dan just loved it. The first time the boys saw Ryan they were so excited. We told them to come see Ryan in Dad's office- they ran in thinking that Ryan was actually at the house. Their disappointment was short lived- they loved seeing their brother (even if a little square on the computer monitor).

Dan and I agreed that night, that this was the best money spent. Just having that personal touch every few days made Ryan not seem so far away. So, Dan is now convinced we should be Skyping with anyone who is more than an hour away. He even bought his dad a camera and headset with microphone so the boys could stay in touch with their grandpa. It was a magical moment for all of us!!
The boys talking with Grandpa!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Builder Nathan

Nathan received some fun toys for his birthday. He has been busy the last few days building them and I thought I would share his handy work!