Sunday, May 29, 2011

Annual Church Picnic

Our church may have changed their name from Creekside Christian Fellowship to Journey Christian Church, but the annual Memorial Day Weekend Church Picnic was the same as ever- Fun, Fun, Fun!!
My sweet, sweaty boys!
Julie and Me- Say Cheese!

Our family looks forward to this every year (I wish we had more of them throughout the year). I love our church family and this picnic is a great way to hang out with old friends and meet new ones.

This is our 5th year going (I think the first year we went was the first year they held it) and although our children have grown and are independent at the picnic, the fun is still the same (maybe even better now that I don't have to follow the kids everywhere).

There is a bounce house, hamburgers and hot dogs grilled, potluck style food (lots of yummy stuff), kid games in the park (sack races, three-legged race, spoon/egg race) and of course we need the softball game.
The race is on!
Brian and Nathan-
three legged partners

Align CenterIvy and Jason- partners

This is a highlight for Dan. He is totally exhausted when we get home, but he gets to throw balls to kids who really want to hit, play catch, and just be on a team for an hour or so. This year I was able to play with him and the rest of the folks who wanted to and we had such a blast. The great part is that even if you aren't playing, you are part of the game- you are cheering on the players. Everyone hangs out with everyone in a relaxed environment and this year was no exception!!
Dan on the field!

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Update on Dan's Health

Praise the Lord- Daniel Crout is 100% healthy!! He had his two follow up appointments with the neurologist and cardiologist this week and they both have told him he is good to go. He still doesn't remember what happened and probably never will. His tests came back clear and he has been given the go ahead to drive at work again.

We had his bike checked over and tuned up, bought him a new helmet and he has already ridden to work twice.

Thank you for all your prayers and encouragement!!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Open House 2011

Tonight we went to the boy's school, Brywood Elementary, for Open House. What a treat it was to be guided around their classrooms, seeing their work and all that they have accomplished. Although I am very familiar with Jason's routine and room in Kindergarten, it was fun to witness him giving his dad a tour. Nathan quickly left our group and played with the legos offered for little siblings visiting the class.
Mrs. Vitarelli & Jason
Nathan had a checklist to go through so he wouldn't forget anything he was supposed to show us in his class (his teacher is so wise). He was beside himself to show us all the fun surprises that they have been working on. My boy has come a long way in 2nd grade and I was just so proud of him.
Got Milk?
Nathan & Ms. Garmon
We love our school!!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Knott's Berry Farm 2011

Today we had a belated birthday celebration for Ryan (who turned 19 on may 13). Our family of 5 plus Dan's mom went to Knott's Berry Farm for the day! We had so much fun! When we first got there we split up in three groups so we could each do rides that fit us. Grandma Mary and Jason headed to Camp Snoopy. Dan and Nathan did Boomerang, Xcelerator and Extreme Scream. Ryan and I bit the bullet and rode the suspended Silver Bullet ride. We also went on Jaguar and Montezuma's Revenge. Knott's has changed so much since I was a kid. There are so many rides (mostly roller coasters) in a small area.
After we met up we headed to mrs. Knott's Country Kitchen for a fabulous late lunch/early dinner. We had to wait in line to be seated, but it was worth the wait (and the cost). I have such fond memories of the country kitchen and going with my family as young girl. I was thrilled to experience it with my own children.

After eating we went on the Ghost Rider- oh my goodness! That was the most insane ride. All 6 of us rode on it- Mary and I held on to each other for dear life, but the boys loved it. we then went on another one of my favorites- The Log Ride and the Calico Train. After those we all went on The Pony Express- a very interesting ride, but fun too. We wrapped up our day with one more ride- The Xcelerator. You go 80 mph in 2 or 5 seconds. It shoots you straight up in the air and then plunges you down with a wicked corkscrew. Needles to say, Mary and Jason were back in Camp Snoopy on the carousel while we were risking our life, but we all met up and headed out a bit after 7pm. It was a full day, but awesome all around.

It is days like these that I feel so overwhelmed with love and gratefulness for all that God has blessed me with. I love my family so much!!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Nathan:: Joy of Reading

I have been waiting for this day for a long time. Nathan WANTS to read- yes, you read correctly. Now, it may not be the most intellectual reading, but he is doing it on his own without me having to ask and he reads chapter after chapter (begging to read "just one more"). It brings tears to my eyes. I shared this great news with his teacher and I saw tears come to her eyes- she is as thrilled as I am.

Nathan has always been good at reading, but it has been like pulling teeth for him to sit and do his daily reading of 20 minutes. I know it doesn't seem long, but it is long enough for him to get through 1 chapter and then he quickly moves onto something he likes doing better.

Yesterday was different. He had gone to the library with his class and instead of bringing home his typical non-fiction book (about lasers, space, electronics, etc) he brought home Captain Underpants and the Attack of the Talking Toilet. As I said, it isn't the most intellectual reading, but he sat down and read 1, 2 then 3 chapters while we were driving to swimming. When we get there he asks if he can bring the book into the pool area and keep reading. We get home from swimming and he quickly picks up the book again- begging me if he can read one more chapter. I was seriously astounded.
The next day he finished the book in another sitting (25 chapters in all). He likes it because it is silly, but it is developing the patience to read through a book with quicker fluency and we couldn't be happier (all of us). As a treat we went and bought him the first 5 books of the series so he can keep up the reading (and he is).

Yeah for reading!!

Here is Nathan reading to Jason a few days ago-
this brings me such joy!!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

ICNS:: A Celebration

In February 2006 I had been thinking about where Nathan would go to preschool in the fall. My mom encouraged me to go over to this preschool near my house. I had seen the sign, but hadn't ventured in to see what it was about. The school was Irvine Community Nursery school. I got into a mommy and me class and then petitioned to get a spot for Nathan in their two day class (already filling up fast by March). Well, Nathan got in and I joined the board and so began our amazing journey at a fantastic school. ICNS is a parent co-operative preschool. Parents work so many hours each month- being a parent teacher. We also attended monthly educational meetings, but the tuition was a fraction of the cost of a normal preschool. I also liked that it was developmental and that the kids learned as they played.
Fast forward 5 years! Both of my sons went through two years each (back to back) which means I was there for 4 years straight. I served on the board for 3 out of the 4 years, watched my children grow in size and knowledge and I personally made some of the greatest friends I have. I love these women, their children and the shared experiences we have.

Today we celebrated our beloved teacher and director, Donna Schwartz, for having taught at the school for 25 years. It was a surprise party and at least a 80 plus families showed up to honor Ms. Donna. There was great food, lots of catching up, tons of pictures and many memories shared with other parents. The kids had such a great time and whether they were twenty or three, they didn't want to leave the party or the preschool. We may not be at ICNS any more and our kids have moved on, but Ms. Donna and this school will always have a special place in our hearts!

The boys and their beloved Ms. Donna
Nathan- Then and Now
Jason- Then and now

I treasure this woman~~

Big Sunday 2011

This morning we participated in Big Sunday. This is an annual event that takes place in LA and Orange County. Thousands of people- with no religious, ethnic or gender boundaries come together to do service projects. Our church has participated the last few years. We close our doors on this special Sunday and go out into the surrounding communities. We are the hands and feet of Jesus- serving others in need.

There were beach clean ups, field gleaning, food collecting and sorting, sorting clothes for homeless, hair cutting for homeless, giving blood, writing letters to service men and women over seas-- the list goes on. These were only some that our church was a part of, but there were even more to choose from.
The rain put a damper on some of the projects, but most of them went off without a hitch and were quite successful. I had the privelege of being the coordinator for our church, The Journey Christian Church. But today was the culmination of all of the hard work that I and others at church put in. We had great team leaders and 270 volunteers from our church alone.
The boys and I went to the area Hub which was located at University Synagogue. We decorated flower pots, cleaned books for a literacy program, I gave blood and the boys decorated cookies. Since they are young they couldn't do everything that was offered, but it was wonderful to be around such caring people who all wanted to make a difference- Like us!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Pickle Turns 2

Today we celebrated Elise's 2nd birthday (which is on May 17th). She loves animals and Dora the Explorer- her party was both!! Tricia hired a petting zoo to come to her house and the kids were in HOG heaven. The owners of the company were fantastic and loved their animals so much (they were their pets)- you could tell. The kids got to get inside the pen with the animals, pick them up, feed them and just love on them.
Dan and his girl!
Jason feeding a hungry goat!
Claire- the chicken whisperer!
Funny goat standing on turtle shell
Bunny love- Nathan, Maddie and Jason

Claire and Alexa
Nathan and Josh- buddies!
Group picture!!
Jen, Tracey, Tricia, Melissa and Janice
(ICNS buddies)