Saturday, January 29, 2011

Jason:: A New Bike

We have been enjoying family bike rides the last few weekends and after today's ride, we decided that Jason needed a bigger bike. He has been making 4 to 8 mile bike rides on a little 16 inch bike (so not fair). He and I ventured to Wal-Mart today and got him an 18 inch bike.

Nathan has a 20 inch and we thought we would just wait for Jason to fit that bike and then get Nathan a bigger bike with gears, but we just couldn't wait. Jason loves his new bike and can go much faster. He has had two hand-me down bikes from his big brother and I am so glad he can have something new (a rare occurrence for a little brother).

We can't wait to go on a ride next weekend and see how he leaves us in the dust!!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Butterfly Chronicles

Dan and Jason visited the Arboretum at UCI last weekend and saw that there were tons of caterpillars getting ready to make their amazing transformation to butterfly (Monarchs no less). He brought home 3 fat caterpillars and one has already turned into a chrysalis, the second one is in the process of getting wrapped up and one is still getting fatter before he takes the plunge. We will keep you updated on our babies.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Black and White

I have been playing with my new camera and have found a new feature. Honestly, the thing has so many cool features that I may never learn them. I like the cropping ability right on the camera and that I can adjust the color- see below!

Jason:: Homework

Well, my boy might not like school very much (I do think it may be getting a bit better), but homework is okay. Maybe because it is what his brother does.

Today after I gave Nathan a spelling test, he asked for one too. Since he is supposed to memorize a few sight words this week, I thought we could make them his spelling test. Here are the results:
"I, see, my, like, a, and, to, go"
I did it!!
"I see a monster. He is in my yard"-
first take home journal assignment

Monday, January 17, 2011

So Cute

When I came downstairs this morning this is what I saw.
Since it isn't a school day, the boys came down early and watched KCET kids while Dan and I slept in- so nice. They have been playing nice all morning! I just had to have a record of them being sweet to each other- some day they will be too old to cuddle, hug and kiss each other!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Our Babies

Our babies are growing up and becoming more and more their own person. We are learning how to be self-sufficient and responsible for our own belongings, actions and body. All that said, they will always be our babies and we love them so!!

People always say how much Nathan looks like Dan and Jason like me- well, here is proof:

Friday, January 14, 2011

A Star is Born

Tonight Nathan and I had the privilege of seeing our sweet friend, Claire, perform in her first stage production. She was fantastic and we had a fun date night!!

Nathan:: Mathobotix

So, I finally got to take some pictures of Nathan at Mathobotix. Tonight he went to his second class and LOVED it. He had to build a "five minute bot". He had to build a robot and program it on the computer. It had to go straight, turn 180 degrees and go straight again and turn again. He wasn't able to get it to do everything it was supposed to do, but will get to work on it next week (problem solving is important). He won't get his next assignment until he finishes this project. He has to complete so many projects or objectives to graduate to a Roboteer (right now he is a Robot Cadet).
Nathan and his "5 minute bot"

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

8 Years of Wedded Bliss

January 11. 2003
Ole Hansen Beach Club

Really, it has been the best 8 years of my life. Dan and I got married in San Clemente on a sunny, Saturday in January. We were with a small group of family and friends- I couldn't ask for more.
I love my husband- he is wonderful, makes me laugh, shares my joys and sorrows, is a great partner to raise our kids and is really handsome too!! I love you babe- here's to many more together!
January 11, 2011
Cheers on 8 years

For our anniversary we went to Claim Jumper and then rode the Big Wheel at The Spectrum.

High on love and in the air!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Park Fun

I was testing out the new camera while at the park today. Look at these cute children I found there who were more than happy to pose for me!!

Bike Ride Fun

Check us out!!
After our morning building session, we rode our bikes to Chipotle for lunch. It was a 5 mile round trip with a stop for lunch and then a detour at a local park. The boys did great and we all survived the cold weather!
Jason riding!
Nathan and Dan on the move
(a bit blurry since I am trying to ride too)
My handsome boy!!

Erector Set Fun

This morning Nathan decided he wanted to build another Erector creation. It helps to have a partner so I volunteered. This new one is a man that can climb up and down a rope. It took us a few hours, but it turned out cool- check it out!!
motor that pulls man up!
climbing man
1st page of directions- looks complicated!
2nd page of directions- yikes!


What is Mathobotix you ask? I will tell you in a minute, but let me go back to the beginning.

I was walking with my friend on Wednesday and she was talking about her daughter and her dance classes. She commented that she would get a job just to make extra money if her daughter wanted to pursue more dancing. Classes and costumes cost money and it adds up quickly. I told her if there was something that helped the boys in what their passions were, I would use my earnings for it too.

I didn't know that this would present itself so quickly. Later that day Nathan brought home two library books- "How to build a robot" and "Robots Rising". The kid loves robots and he got them so he could talk to our neighbor (a 5th grade boy) who likes the same things. I was telling the boy's mom about this and she mentioned Mathobotix where her son attended a camp over the summer. I immediately went online to see what it was all about. The first page had me convinced that this was for Nathan- made just for him and who God has made him to be.

Mathobotix is an Integrated Educational Robotics Class for K-8. They teach based on this acronym- S.T.E.M.- Science~Technology~Engineering~Mathematics! They teach at their age level and while they are having FUN they are learning so much. They are learning problem solving, self confidence, critical thinking, habits of mind, team collaboration and learning how to learn.

We visited their facility (2 miles from home) on Thursday night and Nathan was in heaven. He was surrounded by like-minded individuals (kids and adults) and he was ready to jump in. Apparently so were we- we wrote a check right there (almost a full month's paycheck for me) and signed him up for his first semester (3 months-12 sessions at 2 hours each).

Friday at 3:30pm he went to his first class. He had me set the timer from the time he left school till when we had to leave- he was beside himself with excitement. When I picked him up at 5:30 I watched him for awhile and he looked so happy. It is worth the money- to see the joy on his face and to know that we are helping facilitate his love of technology, science, inventing, building, etc. The adventure begins..... I will keep you posted!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

New Camera

I am so excited about my new purchase. I have had the same camera for years and it wasn't even a really good one. I was given a camera in 2003 when I left YSSC and it was great. Unfortunately, Jason put it in the wading pool when he was a toddler and the replacement wasn't very good. My friend J let me borrow her camera for awhile which was nice since it had video capability, but even that was getting tired and slow.

So, I now have a Nikon Coolpix S3000. It isn't the best out of the series, but it was affordable and had all the features we needed at this time. It also takes GREAT pictures. This will take this blog to a whole new height-better illustrations of our life!!
Here is a sample of the new camera's photo taking abilities!! Jason looks so SHARP!!