Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Open House 2013

I can't believe we only have 4 weeks left of the school year. This year has been unique, with my medical stuff, but has ended really well. The boys have really enjoyed 2nd and 4th grade. Their teachers were the best fit for them and they have just grown by leaps and bounds (physically, mentally and emotionally).

Tonight was Open House at Brywood Elementary- our home away from home. We visited the boy's current classes, future classrooms and past classrooms and teachers. Seeing them back in Kindergarten was a trip- they are so big now!! I love our little school and the teachers who bless us with their time, love and energy!!
 Jason and self portrait
 Jason & Ms. Garmon
 Nathan and self portrait (Greek God?)
 Nathan's Math Robot
 Nathan's portrait of Mission San Juan Capistrano 
(yeah- 4th grade projects)
 Nathan's fabulous teachers- 
Mrs. Durocher & Mrs. Daley
 Kindergarten visit with Mrs. Vitarelli
 Jason with Mrs. Weie (first grade teacher)
 Nathan with Ms. Ferguson (1st grade teacher)

Sunday, May 12, 2013

The Joys of Motherhood

What do you want to be when you grow up? If I was ever asked that question (even now), my answer would always be the same. "I want to be a mom". I have ALWAYS wanted to be a mom- it is my dream come true. I had the best mom and wanted to be just like her. Well, my dreams came true 9 1/2 years ago when I gave birth to Nathan James & 22 months later had Jason Daniel. These boys bring me so much JOY. They give me so much love, they challenge me to be a better person, they bring me to my knees in prayer, they have showed me a glimpse of what God's love is for me. I am doing what I was always meant to do- to be a mom. I am so thankful to my wonderful husband who works so hard so that I can be a stay at home mom and homemaker- I am so blessed!!

Friday, May 10, 2013

Tea with Jennifer

Today my sweet friend Jennifer and I met at the Tea House on Los Rios (in San Juan Capistrano). We hadn't been together since my second to last Radiation treatment back in December. This was a lovely way to reunite. The food was delicious, the day beautiful and the company perfect!!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Love Hair

I know, I am silly!! I just love having hair again. I swore the last time my hair was short and I grew it out that I would never have short hair again. Well, I am eating my words. After having NO hair for 7 months- I am LOVING my short hair-do. People are always asking me if I am going to keep it short- the answer is- YES!! It is super easy, fun and doesn't look too bad. I am sure I will play with the length, color and and cut, but it is short hair for me!!