Sunday, September 29, 2013

Happy 10th Birthday

In honor of Nathan's 10th birthday, we headed to Farrell's Ice Cream Parlor for some loud singing, good food and delicious desserts!! Nathan's best bud, Kayli, joined us for the festivities!! 

I can't believe our baby is 10 now. He has grown so much this year- physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. I just love this young man and look forward to seeing where God leads him in his life!!
 Jason, Nathan and Kayli @ Farrell's
 Birthday boy!!
 Mary & Jason
 The gang
One of many fab presents for the boy!!

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Knott's for Nathan's Birthday

It's the day before the boy turns 10 and we spent it at Knott's Berry Farm. We had a great time and even bought daddy a ticket so he could join the fun!!
 I love my boys!!

 Log Ride Fun

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Bye Bye Soak City

We closed down Soak City this season!! We've been back to school, but couldn't miss the opportunity to go back one more time to our home away from home this summer. We were there a total of 12 times between June and September- not bad!!
 My view of the action

Thursday, September 12, 2013


This Fall is the beginning of balance in my life. Last year was all about doctor appointments, resting, feeling isolated. The Winter and Spring months were about a rebirth of sorts- exercising lots, making new friends and coming out of my shell. Well, I have vowed to bring balance to my weekly schedule- working out 3-4 times, volunteering in the kid's classrooms, attending a weekly Bible study, seeing friends socially, cleaning my home and cooking!! I squeeze in reading, dog walking and time with my mom too- all so important in making me a complete person.

One of the big changes started towards the end of summer- I changed the way I was eating. I wasn't feeling too good about the state of my body and knew that the culprit was the poor food choices I was making. I was going to do a 21 day sugar detox, but it was a bit extreme. In doing research for it I did know that I was definitely addicted to sugar and that had to stop. I also researched the Paleo diet, since I desired to put whole-good food in my body.

So, I am not eating in bread, flour and processed sugar. My sweets come from fruit or coconut sugar (I have had a frozen yogurt 2 or 3 times in the past 9 weeks). I am really trying to eat whole, unprocessed food. I am eating a lot of veggies, protein and fat (the good kind).

I have lost over 10 pounds and I have more energy and feel fuller- all good things!!


Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Back To School. . . . .Again

The summer flew by. One day we were putting away finished work from 2nd and 4th grade and today they start back- 3rd and 5th. How did my babies get so big so fast?
 New Shoes
 Backpacks packed and ready!
 Jason- 3rd Grader 
 Nathan- 5th Grader
"Dude. Be Nice" It's our motto this year!!

Here's to another great year of learning!!

Monday, September 9, 2013

So Long Summer

By far this has been the best summer ever!! Granted, I have last summer to compare it too and that just plain sucked (for me at least). The boys would tell you that this summer was just as good as last summer (maybe better since they were able to be with me).

We soaked up the sun at Soak City, we enjoyed the beautiful beach at Emerald Bay, we played at the Lagoon with friends, the boys went to three different camps, I traveled to Georgia, we spent lots of time cultivating friendships, we saw many movies (at home and at the theatre), we joined a new church and we enjoyed plenty of time hanging out at home too. Truly an amazing summer.

The boys go back to school tomorrow. I don't feel desperate for them to go back, but I think we are all ready for the routine that school gives our days. Jason starts 3rd grade and Nathan will be in 5th. I don't know how we got to this point already. It feels like yesterday that Nathan was at preschool and baby Jason and I were hanging out....time flies when your having fun!!

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Sleep Over Mania

For three nights we have had friends sleeping over. We started the summer this way and I thought it was a good idea to end it this way too. The boys have a blast, hopefully their friends have fun too. I am exhausted by the end, but the smiles are worth the extra work. Chloe had a friend sleep over too (for 5 nights).

First we had Joshua and Samuel Krusiewicz join us for two nights. Their parents needed a little staycation without kids. These four boys have grown up together since birth- such special friends! Friday found us at Soak City for the longest time yet- 8 hours. We opened the joint at 10am and stayed till closing at 6pm. It was super duper hot and crowded, but the boys had so much fun (probably the most fun they have had all summer). It was fun for them to share their favorite place with their buddies. The third day and night we had Nathan's buddy Kayli over- we were  much more mellow with her, but still enjoyed having a guest. I must say, having a girl around the house was quite a treat for me!!

 Boys playing games
 Breakfast of champions!
 Let the fun begin
 Silly boys- Samuel and Jason
A glimpse of Soak City
 Too Cool- Nathan and Joshua
 And we're done!! 
See You next Summer Soak City