Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!

The boys have been wearing costumes since they were babies and couldn't even remember them. Nathan's first costume was a pumpkin (at one month). Jason's first costume was a baby chick- so cute!! This year was the first time they got the whole experience. After the third annual Baxter Halloween Party- we set out to trick or treat in the Colony neighborhood. We were joined by a large group of old and new friends and were out for about an hour. This was the first time the boys had really trick or treated. They had such a wonderful time and said over and over how much fun they were having. They scored lots of candy (half of it already given away again) and saw lots of fun houses and costumes. I am glad I waited till they were this age so they could really appreciate the joy of the evening. I look forward to the years to come!!

Jason as Iron Man (with and without mask). This costume was handed down from Nathan, but Jason loves it. He has been wearing it all year long. Jason cracked everyone up tonight as he trick or treated- he would sing songs for the houses he went up to and did funny dances- he is a character!!

Nathan as Harry Potter. He had so much fun wearing this costume. He and his friend Pasqualle went to a Halloween party at their school Friday night and he got to wear the costume then too. I have a feeling he may be this in years to come as well.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

School Pride

I have been volunteering this week at Nathan's school and I just love it. There was a time when I didn't think that we would go to our community school. I was looking for an alternate education for Nathan whom I foresaw would have problems in a traditional setting. Well, we are in our 2nd year at Brywood and I am so pleased that we landed there. I love walking to school with the kids each morning, talking to others on the way, and getting to know my neighbors better.

Our school is really small- only about 20 classes for K through 6th. The school doesn't have lots of trailers added on- it is a tight community. As I walked around today collecting buckets of pennies for Red Ribbon Week I was proud that my son will get to go to this school and that Jason will get to join him next year. I pray that they can go all the way through!! I feel blessed!!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Welcome to my Home

I was walking around my house and I was thinking about how grateful I was to have a place to live. We have been living in Irvine for almost 5 years now and I can't imagine being any place else. Our home isn't big, but it is just right for the 5 of us.

The room above is our family/play room. This is where the kids have their toys, they draw, we sit and read book and just have fun and play. Attached to this room is the kitchen and the dining area (one big room). Although it get warm in the summer- it is one of our favorite places to be.
Here is my desk. I am sitting there right now and typing this blog. This is where bills are paid, emails are checked, blogs are created and letters are written. I love my little sanctuary!
This is the Living room (more like a family room). The couch you see is the newest addition to our family (still being payed for). This couch is much larger and perfect for our growing family (tall I mean). This is where we watch movies from Netflix, our favorite TV shows (Castle, The Good Wife, Glee and 30 Rock), and the kids get to watch PBS kids on the weekend. This is also the battlefield for some outrageous Nerf wars!!
Also a new addition to our home- this outdoor dining table has been a great blessing to our family. We ate at it all summer long and it helped keep us cool. This table is also larger than our indoor dining table so it fits our family much better (guests too).
This is the little boy's bedroom. This room has seen a lot of changes. It went from one kid and a crib, to two kids in a big bed and crib, to the current bunk bed set up. The room isn't very big and thankfully this isn't where the boys play- they sleep, read, get dressed and have time outs if those are warranted. All and all, this room is awesome and they love it!!
Here is Ryan bedroom. It is quite clean (because he is at his mom's house this week). He chose the bed spread- I promise!! This room also doubles as a guest room. When Ryan isn't with us the room is often slept in by family and friends. We are thankful to have the extra space when needed.
The other side of the room is a metal bookcase filled with comic books and shelves filled with built Lego structures and ships. When Ryan is with us, the Legos are down on the ground and there is a battle raging. Although he is 17 and a senior in high school, this boy still loves his toys. He has informed me that he will be taking his legos with him to college!!
Last, but not least, is the master bedroom. I love our bed and the simplicity of the room. The downside to the room is the heat that gets trapped here (and the little boys room too). We have the fan running 24/7. This room is for all that you can imagine and more- it is the wrestling mat for Dan and the boys on weekends, it gets jumped on, movies are watched here, naps and snuggles happen here and lots of books are read (to the boys or our own).

I hope you enjoyed a little tour of the Crout House. Please come by and see us some time!!

The Joy of Boys

I was doing a load of white laundry today and as I was folding it struck me that I am surrounded by tighty-whiteys. Thankfully I am dealing with four different sizes so I always
know whose is who. This picture is a great reminder to me that living with boys is sooooo different than girls. 1. I need to clean the toilet all the time (sides, rim, and surrounding floor),
2. They eat more food than ever 3. They have penises 4. they are into stuff that I am not. 5. Everything has a sound effect.

These are just a few of the differences between boys and girls. But all that said, I wouldn't change it for the world. I love my house of boys and I love being the Queen mum and getting lots of hugs and kisses from the sweetest boys in town!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Merry-Go-Round Magic

Nathan has been working on this masterpiece for the last few days. It took a little help from mom to get it finished.
Look at the cute little horses! Look below for the video of it working- so Awesome!!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Creative Me!

In two weeks I am going on a little girl's get-away to the desert. I was feeling creative last weekend when Dan and Nathan were working on their model airplane. I started fiddling with Shrink-e-Dinks. What was supposed to be a Christmas ornament turned into a little pendants for a necklace. So, each lady will get their own little piece of jewelry. Fun, Fun, Fun!!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Nathan has discovered Chess. I never learned how to play. Actually, I take that back. A few years ago Ryan taught me to play, but it was all forgotten as soon as the game was over. My sweet husband does not like to play games, but this (and monopoly) is one of the exceptions.
So, each night they have sat down to play. Dan helps Nathan learns the art of strategy and thinking ahead. Even Ryan has played a game or two with him.
It makes me so happy to see my two men playing together and for Nathan to learn a new skill.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Camping at Grammy's

My mom and her husband have a wonderful RV that they take on great adventures. Unfortunately the boys aren't old enough to go out on the road with them, but Grammy had a great idea- camp out in front of their house. So, a few days before they take it on the road the boys got to sleep in it. They were so excited.
Here are the boys and Grammy on the bed where they watched their movie and slept. I sure hope they were warm enough!! This sleepover was well timed, since both boys had been sick last week, and a most needed treat!! Dan and I enjoyed the time alone too- dinner out and a nice walk.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Family Day

After going to the movies to see "Where the Wild Things Are" we ventured to Michael's Craft Store. Dan has been wanting to do a model with Nathan for some time and today it finally happened. Of course, the kid had to pick on of the harder models. Jason and I did a project ourselves, but a picture couldn't be taken before he took it apart- we had fun though!!
There smiling here, but this was a lot of work (mostly for Dan). Nathan helped paint the aircraft, but it was really Dan who built it and sweated over it.
As you can see it isn't finished, but it is mostly built. All it needs are the decals and some extra touches. I will make sure to post a final picture when it is completed.
Here they are hard at work. I pray that this is something that they can enjoy doing together in years to come.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


This week I went crazy (with the help of my mom and Dan) and collected about 500 cans and bottles. After last weeks collection of $8.50 our goal this week was $15. Drum roll please....... we collected $25.40. I was so thrilled with this. It was a lot of work, but fun too.
Here is the Recycle Center where I stand and put the cans and bottles in one by one. A nice man named Carlos works here and helps if there is problems with your items. As you can see in this picture it was raining. I had both kids in the car watching as I loaded them up and got my receipt.

Hawaii- here we come!!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

"I'm Out of Here", says the tooth!

What does a boy do when he is home sick all day? Wiggles his tooth until he pulls it out!! Nathan really wanted to join his friends who have lost their first tooth and he was determined to make it happen. I thought it would take a lot longer for this day to come, but his persistence paid off.
Unfortunately he could not take a picture without closing his eyes. Due to the flu his eyes are so sensitive to light so this is the best he could do. Bless his little heart (and tooth)!!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

A New Project!

Yes, you see lots of bottles and cans. I have caught the recycling bug. Actually, I have been recycling for years and using reusable grocery bags for 17 years, but I have never turned bottles in for money. My dear friend Julie has been doing this for 2 plus years and I always gave her my bottles. Her family started doing it to save money for a trip they were taking to Texas (lots of gas money needed). Last year they saved for a missions trip to Zimbabwe and this year it is another trip to Texas.

Julie and her family are serious about this and have a goal of $25 a week (that's 500 bottles and cans)-that is a lot. Some weeks they have less and many weeks they make more. I don't know how well we will do, but Dan and I want to save for a trip. Our 10 year anniversary is in three years and we would really love to go to Hawaii together- so we have 3 years to collect recycling money and put any extra monies aside for our little adventure.

If you want to save your cans and bottles and give them to us- we would sure appreciate it!!