Monday, September 14, 2009

Here it goes

So, I saw a fantastic movie this summer called Julie and Julia. The character in the movie, Julie, started a blog about cooking through Julia Child's cookbook in a year. I am not planning on cooking or putting a time limit on any project, but I do want to start a blog. They made it look so easy in the movie- and it is. I also have many friends who blog and I enjoy seeing photos of their lives and their kids. I want to join the club.

I thought- what better time to start then the beginning of the school year. I can chronicle this year and see how it goes. Come join the journey of the Crazy Crouts.


  1. Hurrah and welcome to the crazy world of blogging!

  2. Wow girl!
    I'm proud of now need to have your camera with your EVERYWHERE. :)

  3. It is so fun looking back and seeing your adventures!

  4. Yes, I have been thinking that pictures say a lot and I need to start having my camera with me at all times. Thanks for commenting and encouraging me!!
