Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Bieber Fever- Anyone?

Jason had to do a hero project. Who does he pick? Why Justin Bieber of course. I mean Nathan did Thomas Edison and I am sure Justin is right up there with that guy- NOT!!

Anyway, Jason loves JB and that is who he wrote about. The project entailed researching your hero, making a poster with facts on it, writing facts on note cards and presenting your hero in front of the class. We love how the poster turned out and the presentation went well too.

Jason chose Justin as his hero because Justin had a dream to become a singer and his dreams came true. Jason has dreams that he would like to see come true as well- works for me!!

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Beach Babes!!

What do you do on a three day weekend? Ship the kids off and head to the beach!! 

My mom "borrowed" the boys today so she could hang out with another Grandmother who had her grandsons. Oh what to do? We headed down to San Clemente- a great walk along the beach and an excellent dinner. I love being with my baby in the town we met and fell in love (and where we got married). San Clemente will always hold a special place in our heart!!

 The kids spent the night, which was great- so we could just hang out, watch movies when we got home, sleep in and relax together!!!

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Summer? Winter? Make up your mind

After a wonderful hike this morning- the boys wanted to go to the pool. And boy was it hot enough! This weather is just crazy. One day it is in the 80's and then it dips to the 60's- go figure

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

The Wonderful World of COLOR

I am kind of a monochrome girl when it comes to my clothes and my home. Color scares me- black, white, grey- they are safe (and boring). Well, that is changing!! I am so happy to be alive and healthy and I want the things around me (or on me-see below) to reflect that!

So when I went to IKEA yesterday to get a "few" things.  I went a little crazy when I saw all the beautiful colors. I decided right then and there that my home needed to have some color in it. Below you will see some of my pops of colors- some are new and some are not- but they all have brightened my home just a bit!


 Of course, God makes the most beautiful colors!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Out with the old- In with the new

My kids are getting older. They don't need as much supervision, they don't need help going to the bathroom and they don't spill as often. So, in honor of this I have decided to say goodbye to the plastic plates, cups and bowls that have been a staple in our house for 9 years and go to glass. We will see how long this lasts!!

Monday, February 11, 2013

Jason:: Music Share

In Irvine we are blessed to have a wonderful music program. Our PTA pays for it, but it is worth it. Twice a month (every other Monday), K-3 students learn the fundamentals of music.

Today was Jason's music share. The parents watch the kids go through one of their classes and we get to hear them sing- so sweet!!

Tracy's 40th Birthday

Cocktail Party? Do they still have those?  Well, in honor of my friend's 40th birthday- we had a cocktail party (wear cocktail dresses and bring your favorite cocktail to share).  My cocktail of choice was water, boring I know. What is a cocktail dress? I called my next door neighbor to ask her advice and hopefully borrow something. She hooked me up with a stunner and earrings to match- I was set!!

Tricia hosted a wonderful party with a Tiffany & Co. theme- black, turquoise and silver. The food was great, the company even better and the games (think "minute to win it") were hilarious. No boys allowed except little Desmond "Desi" Wilson (21/2 months old). He was adored by all the moms who left their kids at home! 

I think the birthday girl had a great time- I know I did!! 
 Hostess with daughter Camille (our waitress)
 Joann, Tracy (with Desi) and Sarah
 A good reminder
 Look at all the yummy food
 Janice with Desi!
 Birthday Girl and me
 Cake Pops-great idea and so pretty
 Melissa, Jen and little Desmond
 My weekly walking buddy Janice
 One of the first people I met when we moved to Irvine 8 years ago- 
I love you Kara!
 Hot Mommas
 Yep- One bit oughta do it!!
Melissa & Tricia

Friday, February 8, 2013

2013 Brywood Jog-a-thon

One of our main fundraisers for school is our annual jog-a-thon. This is great fun for the kids. The rain came and went, but the event still went on. Of course my battery died before I got any pictures of Nathan on the track, but you can use your imagination. After they jogged (or walked) for 30 minutes they were treated to popsicles! Go Brywood!!
Boys are ready to go!!
 Jason & Corey
 my sweet boy!
 Jason walking with Ms. Leshke (he loves her)

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Fun With Friends

Nathan had fun today playing with his buddies at the park.
Pasquale, Kayli, Nathan