Sunday, January 27, 2013

A Car For the Future

We are the proud owners of a new Toyota Prius V. What is a V you ask? It is the largest Prius model- a wagon. We have always wanted a hybrid, but couldn't fathom spending the money to get one. Well, after much looking at other fuel efficient (non-hybrid) cars- we came to the conclusion that they just wouldn't fit our family. Fit you ask? Well, Dan is very tall with extra long legs. I also have two boys who are only getting bigger and taller. So, all the cars I was looking at went out the window when Dan gave them the "knee/leg" test.

After all the dealers we went to- we stopped by Toyota to look at the Priuses (wishful thinking). The V model was extra roomy both in the front and back and had more head room since the roof doesn't slant down- stays straight to meet the hatch door in the back.

We bit the bullet, put down a deposit and set up a loan. Neither Dan or I have ever had to make a car payment- this is a big deal for us. We said goodbye to the CR-V (after almost 10 years of great service) and brought the new car home to rest.

Of course, I needed to rearrange the garage so that there was plenty of space on either side of the car so doors wouldn't get dinged. Mission accomplished- garage is done- car is happy and so are we.

The best part (besides the new car smell) is the great gas mileage.

 2013 Honda Prius V
 Wish you could see all the bells and & whistles
 New "clean" engine
 Look at all that cargo space!
 Happy Girl!!

Friday, January 18, 2013

Nathan Awarded!

This morning Nathan received a special award at school. Besides Honor Roll awards, three special S.C.O.R.E. awards were given per 4th grade classroom. S.C.O.R.E. stands for Success, Compassion, On-Task, Respect and Effort. These are the standards that our school wants our kids to achieve. Nathan's award was an EFFORT award. The award said "Student demonstrates great effort and/or improvement in an academic area(s), work habits or behavior. This is based on steady effort or improvement over the trimester. Student has demonstrated perseverance, and as a result has attained success."

Nathan's teachers selected him to receive this award and I think it is quite fitting. He has really worked hard the last trimester. We are so proud of him and it is nice to have him acknowledged for his effort and perseverance.

 Way to go Nathan!!

Sunday, January 13, 2013

10 Years STRONG

This weekend Dan and I celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary. Although our trip to Kauai last year was our main celebration- we couldn't let the day go by without remembering. 10 years ago we were married in San Clemente at the Ole Hansen Beach Club. It was a beautiful, sunny day. This year, we had the same amazing weather.

On Friday my mom took the kids over night. Dan and I bought a new dining room table (the last one was 10 years old, small and falling apart) and then had dinner at Koki (an hibachi grill place). We filled up on tasty food and then went home and put our table together!!

Saturday we picked the boys up and then took them to Dan's mom for another sleep over. We went to Cinepolis, fancy movie theatre, and saw Gangster Squad. We had lunch there and ate dessert while reclining in our lounge chairs (while watching the movie).

We then headed down to the Blue Lantern Inn in Dana Point. What a special place. The view was amazing, and so was room. We walked down to the harbor and at dinner at El Torito and then enjoyed a nice walk back to the inn. It was quite chilly, but our hats, gloves and jackets kept us warm.

Sunday we slept in and then took a nice walk on the bluffs of Dana Point after eating a nice breakfast at the Inn. All in all, it was a wonderful way to celebrate our marriage and how far we have come!!