Fast forward a few years and we leave for our trip this morning. Granted, it isn't 2013, but Dan and I are celebrating 10 years together as a couple and this was also the best time we could go.
So in a few hours we will be flying to Kauai for a 2 week vacation. We couldn't be more excited. We realized that we have never been on a plane together and the last time we actually took a vacation was back in 2008 for three days in Palm Desert.
Thanks to my fabulous mom who helped so much with the recycling, giving us air miles and watching the kids during the week! Thanks also to Mary Crout (my mother-in-love) for bottles and cans as well as having the kids on the weekends to give my mommy a break!!
Thanks to the Wilson family who have generously taken our sweet dog Chloe so that she will be well cared for and to alleviate the stress of the grandmas!
I don't know if I will be able to post while in Kauai, but there will be pictures and stories when we return on May 3.
Until then, Aloha and Mahalo!!