Tuesday, December 21, 2010

LASIK- Modern Day Miracle

Seconds after procedure- Me & Dr. Tooma

Yesterday I had Custom Lasik surgery on both of my eyes. I CAN SEE!! I have wanted to do this for over 11 years and I finally got to do it. I got glasses when I was 5 years old and contacts when I was 9. For 34 years I have been blind without corrective lenses and I can now see. It isn't perfect and will take a week to a few months to finalize, but the doctor said I am seeing 20/20 (I was 20/1,000 before the procedure).

I had to wear my glasses for 2 weeks prior to the procedure and had 2 pre-op appointments. I checked in at 3pm on Monday and waited for my turn (what a business this clinic does- maybe 20 to 30 patients a day). I got tested one last time, got my post-op instructions, took some Zanax to relax and then went in for the procedure. After the procedure Dan took me home while I kept my eyes closed as much as possible. I ate some dinner and went to sleep for the night- Done and done!!
Pre-Op waiting for the Zanax to kick in!
Post-Op, have to keep my eyes shut till the next day-
I got to wear these cute eye shields so my eyes don't get rubbed wrong- so cute!!
All done- 20/20 baby!!

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