Friday, December 24, 2010

Finally- The Crouts have a Wii !!!

Okay, so we are a few years behind, but let's just say that we REALLY appreciate this gift and have already enjoyed it thoroughly. Ryan was home one day from school and came up to me telling me he really wanted to get the Wii for the family. I was so touched by his generous thought and I jumped on board to help him get it for everyone. Now, he couldn't get it all on his own and he wanted me to go in on it- it turned out that my sweet Uncle had given each boy a $50 gift card to Target and Dan and I had both received smaller gift cards from people at work. So, with all the gift cards put together, a great sale on the Wii system and Ryan's great contribution- we purchased a Wii for the family.
The boys playing together!
We opened it today so that Ryan could enjoy it with us before he headed to his mom's for Christmas Eve and Christmas morning. It was really nice getting to focus on one present that everyone could enjoy together. We spent way too many hours playing yesterday and are all tuckered out from it.

Even after Dan, the boys and I went to church and to a friend's house for dinner and put the kids to bed (at 10pm-too late)- Dan and I started playing again. Right now we have Wii Sport and Wii Resort. There are so many fun games to do on it and all of our little "Mii's" are running around doing cool sports!!

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