Sunday, December 12, 2010

9th Annual Gingerbread Party

I love this tradition in my family. 10 years ago (we missed a year), my mom hosted the first gathering to decorate gingerbread houses. I have been every year- even when I didn't have kids. I was able to be auntie to my sweet nieces and nephews and now my kids get to enjoy the fun too.
Jason and his own special creation

This year my sister Chris hosted us at her ranch. It was unseasonable warm today and the perfect day to be outside. The only downside was that Nathan was feeling sick (even threw up- yuck). Poor kid, we stayed as long as we could and he even got to decorate a little house!!
Pictured above: Mike, Me, Jason, Sherry, Gidget, Kalika,
Desiree, Christine and Gracie.

Not pictured- Grammy (taking picture) and Nathan.Nathan's house and Jason's gingerbread man

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