Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Christmas Cookie Exchange

On Tuesday night I went to our church's Annual Cookie Exchange. I have gone almost every year since starting our church, but this was the first time I had a "daughter" to take with me.

Dear Isabella is my surrogate daughter at church. Her mom lives in Washington and isn't able to do these "mother-daughter" things that our church puts on. I also have felt a little left out when my friends are getting to do fun "mother-daughter" things and I don't have a daughter. She and I also are part of a monthly group called "Feed Your Faith"- mothers and daughters get together and are learning to prepare simple dishes that we can share with others (to share our love and faith with them).
Don't get me wrong, I love my sons and I am so glad that they are mine- I only miss having a daughter for these occasional events. I also have such a close relationship with my mother and I know sons grow up and marry the love of their life. For that reason, I wish I had a daughter that I could share with all these things that my mom and I are sharing, but it is my prayer that my sons and I will have close relationships and that I will have a special relationship with my future daughters-in-law. With God- nothing is impossible!!
My other surrogate daughters- Dear Claire and Maddie!
Julie and 2 of my favorite girls- Emma and Maddie
Hard to see-but these are all the daughters
of my friends at the cookie exchange.
The future women's ministry

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