Monday, June 7, 2010

Blueberry Picking

Today I joined 4 other families to go blueberry picking. 5 moms and 14 kids loaded up into 3 minivans and drove an hour to Temecula for a little adventure. My kids didn't even ride in the same car with me and Jason managed to ride in each of the 3 cars.

We visited The Temecula Berry Co. which was amazing. There stood rows of beautiful blueberry bushes that begged to be picked. I didn't know what to expect and was pleasantly surprised at how easy the ripe berries were plucked from the stems. We ate almost as many as we bought (is there a rule against this? If so, don't tell me). The kids had so much fun running around and seeing who could get the biggest ones. It was a beautiful day!!We left there and headed to Tom's Farm in Temescal Canyon. We stopped off for a picnic lunch and let the kids run around while we mom's chatted in the shade.

By the time we got back home the boys were tired and ready for some inside time. I on the other hand felt compelled to make something with our fabulous blueberries ($5 per pint). I Googled blueberry muffins and found a great recipe. Muffins are a sure thing in my house and I knew that everyone would eat them and love them (and they did).
I made these babies from scratch and had so much fun. They tasted as good as the look!! I can't wait to make something else (or just eat) with our basket of berries.

I think this was an adventure that we ALL want to repeat next year!!

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