Friday, April 2, 2010

It's Official...and more!

Ryan has his driver's license. We spent several hours (and that was with an appointment) at the DMV yesterday, but the boy passed his behind the wheel test and his actual license will arrive in 2 to 3 weeks. We were both relieved!!

Also, Ryan has decided to attend ASU in the fall. Granted, he hasn't seen the campus yet, but it is the most affordable option at this point. He and his mom are going tomorrow to visit the campus, see housing, talk to the music director for the marching band (yes, he will play the tuba there) and get a feel of the place. I am sure he will be doing the lion's share of the driving out there so he will have a good idea how far it is (or how close it is).

This is a time full of many milestones: driver's license, choosing a college, turning 18 (on 5/13), Prom with his girlfriend (1 year anniv. is 4/20), graduating from high school (6/16).... this is just the beginning (or the end).

We love you Ryan- enjoy these days!!

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