Monday, April 26, 2010

Happy (Crazy) Days

If you could see my calendar you wouldn't see much white space- we are a busy crew these days. With so much activity, the days are flying by really fast. I want to make sure I appreciate and acknowledge all the big and little moments.

Ryan is such a great young man- he turns 18 in 2 1/2 weeks, will be going to the prom and is getting all of his school records (and grades) in order so he can be prepared to go to college. He is looking hard for a job, but no luck yet!!

Nathan's mind and world are expanding. We can see so clearly who Nathan will be as he grows up. Unless he gets amnesia (and forgets all that he loves), we bet he will be a scientist, an engineer-- something to do with creating, building, taking a part, experimenting. He had to do a book report at school last week and he chose to report on a book about the life cycle of a butterfly. He is the only kid in his class who picked a non-fiction book. He also picks non-fiction books on library days (hot topics:space, how to build or draw, science). He did start taking a drama class (which he really enjoys) after school once a week- hoping this keeps his personality outgoing as he focuses more on introverted activities.

Jason is a roller coaster. He is loving you, thinking you are the best thing EVER to hating you, stomping his foot in anger. He is hot and cold in the same minute and it is quite exhausting. I do love when he says "You are the best mom in the whole wide world", but not loving it when I am "Old mom buried in the dump". We are preparing him for Kindergarten in the fall and reminding him how big boys behave in school (easier said then done).

Dan and me- we are great. I feel like I have known this man my whole life. We finish each other's sentences, we can read quietly beside each other, have long conversations, enjoy or kids and so much more. Hey, we can even disagree and make up (my favorite part). I am just so thankful that he is my sweet husband- I love him dearly!!

Thank you Lord for the many blessings- for love, health, family, friends, shelter, food, transportation and most of all for You, God, in my life.

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