Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Jason cracks me up!!

Okay, so Jason is seriously the funniest kid. He will often say grown up sounding things in a very childish voice and that makes it even funnier. Just today we were at Trader Joe's and he just talks to everyone with a big smile on his face- definitely not shy!!
Favorite sayings this past week:

"Your the bestest mom I ever had"

"walk-a mole" instead of guacamole

"I'm gonna break the law in two"

"My Tummy is crying"- when he is hungry

"Dandelion"- for the white puffy part and "Dandyflower"- for the yellow flower.

"Turn off the sour (shower) medatly (immediately)"- said with a very stern voice.

There will be more to add I am sure!!

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