I have a friend and fellow blogger who has been writing every day in the month of November what she is thankful for- What a great idea. I am always thanking God for the many blessings that are in my life and I even journal about them sometimes, but I thought I should write a list of all the things I am truly thankful right now in my life.... here it goes!
~I am thankful for my salvation and a very personal relationship with Jesus Christ. For the Bible and the truth that it speaks to me life.
~I am thankful for my amazing husband who loves me so deeply, supports me, encourages me, makes me laugh and is there when I cry, who I share everything with!
~I am thankful for my awesome kids (all three of them). Thankful for Ryan and what a nice young man he has grown into and for the way he loves his little brothers, for Nathan who brings me joy and amazes me with the gifts God has given me and for Jason who makes me laugh, who wants to cuddle all the time and tells me he loves me every 5 minutes.
~I am thankful for my wonderful mother (Suzanne Reinhart). She is my best friend, my confident, my biggest cheerleader, the best babysitter, my "hand and foot" buddy, my favorite traveling companion and much more. I don't know where I would be without her- I love you mom!
~I am thankful for my beautiful (inside and out) girlfriends. God has blessed me with so many that I cherish and who genuinely care about me and my family.
~I am thankful for my church family (Creekside Christian Fellowship). We have been a part of this great fellowship of believers for almost 5 years and I love that we feel at home there, that my kids are learning about Jesus and have friends that they have known their whole lives.
~I am thankful for Dan's job and that he can provide for our family and that I can do my job of being a stay at home mom and homemaker- a dream come true for me.
~I am thankful for my extended family- My 2 sisters, 2 brothers, 3 nephews and 3 nieces, uncles, aunts and cousins- God has blessed our family so much!!
~I am thankful for a healthy body and mind that allow me to walk my kids to school, walk with friends, collect recyclables, study God's word, read lots of books, play cards with my mom and many more great things.
~I am thankful for the internet and getting to stay in touch with friends near and far and learning lots of stuff that I don't have to go to an encyclopedia to find. I am thankful for Netflix, Hulu, Facebook and You tube!!
~I am thankful for my children's teachers. For Ms. Donna at ICNS and for her faithful service and teaching to both my sons these past 3 1/2 years and for Ms. Ferguson who is the best 1st grade teacher and an answer to prayer for Nathan- she is a jewel. I am also very thankful that my kids get to have an education and have the ability to learn.
~I am thankful for CA CRV and that for every bottle I pick up (or scrounge through the trash) I get 5 or 10 cents and that it DOES add up. I LOVE RECYCLING!!
I could go on, but this is it for now- Needless to say, I am thankful and my cup runneth over!